Opening of the 4th Centenary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission.

In a letter I sent to you last March 15, 2023, I announced that the General Council has prepared a three-year program, focused on spiritual preparation and celebration of the coming 4th centenary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission of St. Vincent de Paul...

To all the confreres of the Congregation of the Mission

Dear Confreres,
May the grace and peace of Jesus be always with us!

In a letter I sent to you last March 15, 2023, I announced that the General Council has prepared a three-year program, focused on spiritual preparation and celebration of the coming 4th centenary of the Foundation of the Congregation of the Mission of St. Vincent de Paul.

We have decided that the Opening Ceremony will be held on April 17, 2023 (Monday) at 6:30 pm – evening, at the Collegio Leoniano in Rome. The ceremony will be a para-liturgy similar to the ceremony of the opening of the Porta Sancta during a Jubilee year. The event will be live-streamed but will also be recorded and made available on the web side and social media of the Congregation of the Mission.

The para-liturgical celebration will be sent to all the Provinces, Vice-Provinces and Regions before April 17 so that you can organize a similar ceremony in your own environment.

May I repeat what I have written in my letter of March 15, 2023.
Dear confreres, let these first three years leading us to the 400th Anniversary of our “Little Company” be for each one of us a time of conversion, of renewal, of returning with utmost fire to our “First Love – Jesus,” so that, following the inspirations of Saint Vincent de Paul, we may all become “Mystics of Charity” in the 21st century and beyond.

Your brother in Saint Vincent,
Tomaž Mavrič, C.M.
Superior General

Congregacion de la Mision


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