Virtual meeting for vocations pastoral ministry

Virtual meeting of the Brothers of the Mission Congregation organised by the International Commission for Vocations Promotion

To all the Brother Missionaries of the Congregation of the Mission: 


May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with us always!

On many occasions I have insisted on the importance of taking care that our Little Company which always breathes with the two lungs that give life: the vocation of the brothers and that of the priests. We have all been called by the Lord to the mission of following Jesus Christ, evangelizer of the poor, and we can only achieve this end by walking together with the richness that each of these two vocational options possesses for the good of evangelization.

As I stated during the 2022 General Assembly:

“In the next six years, I ardently desire that the Congregation, without delay, once again reflect deeply on the vocation, role and place of service of the brothers in the Little Company. Vocation promotion programs must be adapted and, without exception, include both options: brothers and priests, thus offering young men two options for membership in our Congregation.


For this reason, on the occasion of the celebration of the 400th Anniversary of our Foundation, I have asked the International Commission for Vocation Ministry to organize a Virtual Meeting of the Brothers of the Congregation of the Mission so that together we can dialogue, listen and reflect, and as a result, create a Vocation Ministry that assumes more clearly the importance of the Brothers’ vocation within the Congregation of the Mission.


This meeting will take place on Friday November 29 via the Zoom platform. Here is more information about that meeting:


CM Brothers Meeting, Time:


I ask all Visitors and Regional Superiors to facilitate the participation of all the Brothers of the Congregation can participate fully in this meeting, that is to say, in the case of Brothers who have difficulties in connecting to the Zoom platform, it will be necessary to provide them with technical support, or if any Brother does not speak any of our three official languages (English, Spanish and French), then it would be appropriate for him to participate with an accompanying person who can provide him with the translation service.


Any questions about this meeting can be sent to the members of the International Commission for Vocations Ministry who are coordinating the meeting by email:


May the Lord continue to raise up vocations of missionary brothers in the Little Company!

Your brother in Saint Vincent,
Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. Superior General


P. Tomaž Mavrič, Superiore Generale della CM


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