International Secretariat
for Vincentian Studies
The SIEV (International Secretariat for Vincentian Studies) is the international body of the Congregation of the Mission, created in 1982 to promote studies on Vincentian heritage.
Founded by Superior General Fr. Richard McCullen in response to the 1980 General Assembly, Fr. Gregory Gay renewed the SIEV’s commitment in 2014 to strengthen the dissemination of the Vincentian charism. Members, appointed for a six-year term, are formators with a particular connection to the roots of the Congregation and the spirituality of St. Vincent and St. Louise. Their task is to update and revitalize the Vincentian charism in today’s cultural and social context.
Prepare a reflection topic for the annual meeting and subsequently share it with provinces and the Vincentian Family. Publish the outcomes of the 2015 reflection on the theme of 400 years of mission and charity.
Develop a database compiling formation materials from different language groups and websites, making them available to provinces and the Vincentian Family.
Establish a procedure for classifying Vincentian materials applicable to our work and share this information with provinces and the Vincentian Family.
Explore the archives of the Congregation and evaluate collaboration proposals.
Create a special program to obtain a Master’s in Vincentian Studies, with academic recognition through various universities managed by the Congregation.
Since 2021, the Congregation of the Mission has offered a program in Vincentian Studies: Master’s in Vincentianism, aimed at members of the Congregation of the Mission and the Vincentian Family. This program, held in collaboration with the University of Deusto, will be offered again in 2025 with accreditation by the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity.
- Proficiency in the course language. In 2025, the Master’s will be offered in English, French, and Spanish (participants choose their working language).
- Time availability and commitment to meet the program’s academic demands (approximately 20 hours weekly).
- Membership in the Congregation of the Mission, a group within the Vincentian Family, or demonstrated connection to them.
Deepen knowledge of the history and spirituality of the Vincentian charism.
Study the sources of Vincentian heritage in dialogue with theological disciplines.
Train participants to accompany the service of the poor and evangelization.
Admission Process
- Candidates must send a motivation letter to SIEV (Secretariat for Vincentian Studies) at by November 1, 2024.
- The Superior General and his council will select participants. The members of SIEV are available to provide all the necessary information.
- The full program spans four semesters: two in 2025 and two in 2026.
- Participants may opt to take only specific courses in consultation with a tutor.
The Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity will certify the studies completed.
Financial Terms:
Each participant will contribute a fee of 200 euros as collaboration. The Congregation of the Mission will cover program operations and faculty expenses.
Program Structure:
The Master’s program, certified by the Superior General, includes 72 ECTS credits distributed over two years (four semesters).
- Online training.
- Includes participation in videoconferences according to an approved schedule.