Vincentian Family in Catania: an intense and varied mosaic

On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of the Mission, on Sunday 12th May, Father Tomaž Mavrič Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission visited the Vincentian Family of Catania.

For the third time in a few years, Father Tomaž wanted to give us the joy of his presence, giving us intense moments of brotherhood and reflection. His day in Catania began with a visit to “Casa Lumière,” the latest addition to the network of reception and social promotion facilities headed by the Samaritan Inn and intended for women victims of situations of violence or hardship. After the Holy Mass, celebrated in the chapel of the Pius IX Institute, a beautiful convivial moment brought together the Missionaries and the Daughters of Charity of Catania, the guests of the shelters, the operators of the facilities run by the Vincentians, and the many volunteers who offer their valuable contribution in different forms to help their most fragile brothers and sisters. The Archbishop of Catania, H.E. Luigi Renna, gave us the gift of his presence that is always precious to us. Before leaving Catania, Father Tomaž listened to the testimonies of numerous people, religious and lay, who responded to the question posed by Father Mario Sirica: “What did the encounter with the Vincentian Family mean to you and what effects have you recognized from it in your life?”

Congregation of the Mission, News, Vincentian Family What emerged was an intense, varied and moving mosaic, in which the voices of the men and women religious who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the implementation of the Vincentian charism, joined those of the volunteers and those who witnessed the good received from the members of the Vincentian Family, capable of building bonds of affection that overcome time and distance.

Some guests of the Samaritan Inn recounted how the support and fraternal affection of operators and volunteers not only helped them in the dark moments of their existence, but aroused in them a desire, never experienced before, to do something for others, to be ‘next’.
In greeting the assembly at the conclusion of the meeting, Father Tomaž wanted to give a valuable indication to make the Vincentian Family known: not to provide a list of works, structures, the many activities, but simply to say ‘come and see’, underlining once again the value of witness and example of life, stronger than any words.

In occasione dei quattrocento anni dalla fondazione della Congregazione della Missione, domenica 12 maggio, Padre Tomaž Mavrič Superiore Generale della Congregazione della Missione ha visitato la famiglia Vincenziana di Catania.

Mission Congregation, Vincentian Family, News
