The whole Congregation of the Mission goes on a Mission

Congregacio de la Mision

Last year, all the members of the Congregation of the Mission began their three years’ spiritual preparation, what we might call “ad intra” preparation for the upcoming 400th Anniversary of its Foundation, next year, 2025. To accompany our spiritual preparation, I would like to announce and launch today, for the whole Congregation, a so-called “ad extra” preparation for our 400th Anniversary.


Congregacion de la Mision

Since 2019, when we had the grace of meeting Pope Francis and promising him that the Little Company would do all in its power to send 1% of its members (30 confreres) to the missions ad Gentes every year, so far, by Jesus mercy, we have been able to fulfill the promise.

“To breath with both parts of the lungs!”

Congregacion de la Mision

“Called to revitalize the identity of the Congregation of the Mission of St. Vincent de Paul”…  this title of the concluding document of the 43rd General Assembly extends an invitation to all of us, members of said Congregation…

Missionary Formation Session at CIF

Congregacio de la Mision

The formation of missionary disciples, convinced of the urgency of keeping alive and operative the missionary mandate of Jesus Christ: Go and make disciples of all nations…